After the bus ride, I got ready to go to a Welcome Reception at the local universities. I was looking for some friends of mine and couldn’t find them and was put on a separate bus going to the Caribbean University. As the bus pulled into the parking lot of the university – there were drum sounds. This crazy latin beat traveled to all our ears so we stood up. We could see a few dozen students on stilts and masks running around, banging on drums! When we got off everyone was dancing. I shimmied underneath one of the stilt people. We went inside for an orientation where they presented SAS a plaque. Then we went outside for a traditional celebration where we watched some students dance to African drums. It was so beautiful and lively. The little girls that preformed were so beautiful! And the little boys were so cute in their traditional hats and scarves. Suddenly, myself and another student were pulled onto the stage to join in the dancing – and then it turned into the longest conga line I have ever seen!! They served us this great Puerto Rican cuisine then we all danced the night away to Reggaeton and Salsa. They threw in a little bit of Elvis in there for good measure haha. The students were so welcoming and friendly and fun. They got everyone to dance. And quite literally everyone danced. All of the professors were dancing to reggaeton just as much as the kids. And if you know how to dance to reggaeton – then you know what a sight that is! I have never sweated so much in my life. But it was worth it. The girls were hilarious and the boys are adorable. Out of nowhere – there is a chair in the middle of the dance floor and I am pushed into it. Then a few boys gave me a lap dance. I did not see that coming but I must say, it wasn’t unwelcomed. It was such a fun night. Everyone was on such a high when we got onto the bus. Puerto Ricans really know how to live. They love to dance and enjoy life! Maybe they aren’t as rich as us but they know how to have a good time. Then came back to the boat and chilled on the deck reading while my friend played his harmonica. A nice relaxing way to end the night. We didn’t get to sleep until 3:00am.
The next day – Thursday – we got a taxi around 10:00am to go to this small town Lozia. No one was going to this little town except for the six of us. It was nice not to see so many Americans like in San Juan. Our cabbie, Frankie, spoke little English and we used our horrible Spanish to chat with him. He was the sweetest thing! We were ooh-ing and ahh-ing at a beach we passed by and he pulled over and let us out to take pictures. Then we were talking about Puerto Rican food and he pulled over a bought us some food! He was so sweet. Then he drove us around Lozia and took us to a bike rental and rented bike for $5 each. We rode into the most beautiful forest/jungle and then onto a boardwalk on the beach. It was gorgeous!! The taste of salt, the breezy wind and the sound of waves will forever stay in my mind. I could not have dreamed up a more beautiful spot. The pictures do it no justice. We eventually found a beach that stretched out for miles – and not a single person was around! So the six of us ran into the waves which were HUGE! We had sand everywhere – the tide was so strong. It’s nothing compared to Jones Beach, let me tell you. We were all laughing so hard and tumbling all over the place. Eventually we made it back to the bike and headed back to the shop. We wanted to take the bus back and just missed it so we waited in a little restaurant. It was so comfy – there are no walls and the breeze just comes through. There was s juke box so we started to salsa. It was so calming just sitting there with the best people kicking back a few beers.
We made our way to the bus and passed by this little shop in this shack. It was FULL of beautiful native paintings and statues. I am buying one piece of art in each country and I spotted THE Puerto Rican piece. It is so beautiful; it is a black statue about a foot high and it is to bodies, male and female, kissing. They have very cube-like bodies and it looks very Afro-Caribbean. And what is so beautiful is that the two bodies are connected as one through their love. I asked the woman who sold it to me her and her husband’s names. She said “Suzana y Sies” and I pointed to the statue and said “Suzana y Sies.” Tears welled up in her eye and she hugged me. She was beaming as we walked away. The bus ride was long but so worth it because it cost $1.50.
That night – some students from the University of Puerto Rico took us out. We all wanted to dance to reggaeton but it is a Thursday and it is not a big dancing night in PR. All the local bars in San Juan were packed with Americans – especially SASers. So the boys drove us to this other club on the other side of the island. One of the cars – not mine – got pulled over and received a ticket for having too many people in the back after they cut off a cop car!! Hahahahah our car was laughing so hard at them. Then we all agreed they’d get out of it by saying “We’re Semester at Sea students.” The cops would say “Okay, you can go.” The four boys were so much fun. Two of them spoke great English and the other two were pretty good. We went to this place called Urban and danced the night away to American rap as well as Reggaeton. I felt Puerto Rican when I knew some of the songs that were playing. And Puerto Rican boys really do know how to dance! They were the sweetest things and took such good care of us. It was the coolest night! We got home late and I slept like a baby. It was an amazing, fun-filled day today!
Right now i am in San Juan in the internet cafe. When i left the boat by myself - the doctor on the ship offered to let me share a taxi with him into town. He's so sweet. Life always works out - always. "When you want something, the universe conspires to let you have it." I'm so happy here. and tonight we are off to Brazil!! so excited for Carnival. send me emails!!
Infinite xo's amanda panda

I so glad you are having a great time!!!! Everyone looks like they are having fun too. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I wish I was there sight seeing and partying with ya!!! Oh the fun we would have. I'm sure you will have lots of stories for me when you get back. LUV YA MAN!!!!
Aunt Katty
my dearest lady friend,
i was reading your entries and i want to cry because i really miss you so much, haha. i love love love youuuuuuuuuuu and i'm so glad you're having a phenomenal time. stay safe and stay happy, although i'm sure you'll be fine with the latter and i'll worry more about the former. i love you :)
-lindsay, the DLP
I love you!! I miss you like crazy but I'm so happy for you! You look like you're having an amazing time! Keep us updated!
We made some SDS valentines to hand out on Wednesday (also Lauren, Davey, and Cline's court date) and Brian made the cutest ones of course! We miss you a lot!!
the second picture of everyone on the bikes is perfectly adorable. It's sooo sound of music!
Miss you 4 reel deelz
<3 sarah penis
omg it's the motherland!!! me and vanessa are jealous!
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