29 November 2007

shining stars

The best part about seeing friends I haven’t seen in a while is the reminder of how wonderful my life is. Catching up with Jika this week about all her endeavors since we last spoke in July gave me such pride in her accomplishments; such as making the choice to move to another country, to give in to love. Then I find myself in a good mood from explaining my life, as crazy as it is. Because I am reminded that under all that stress, I am heading down my path with courage and passion. Then after the initial catch-up greetings, it became the little things that became wonderful: salad and bread, the subway system, lying in the dark.

Living day-to-day blinds me of the gifts present in my life. But when I think of all the shining stars whom I call friends, a smile appears on my face in hope I can match their twinkle.

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