You are refreshed to another page. First link is “Check Your Registration Status” to see when you are registering. Now you can register on that date/time and anytime thereafter. It will say you have a hold on your account but Aseel will remove it when you see her on Monday with your proposed schedule.
Okay so individual questions:
For example: let’s say I want to take the Tuesday CIS101 class at 5:30-7:20pm. It does say zero credits, but if I click on the CRN hyperlink (20341) – the section pops up as saying “Students must register for the Lecture, CRN 21549.” Therefore, when registering, I type in “20341” and “21549” for the one CIS101 class. The second class will say 3 credits. Here's an example of my freshman year when I took CIS101 -- though it was one class with one grade, both were needed (click on it to expand it):
This is similar for sciences as well: for example, SCI101, the Planet Earth (easy!!) I want to take the Monday class at 1:25. I click on the CRN to look at it and it says “This is a LECTURE section. Students must also register for one the following LAB sections: CRN 21195 or 21197.” So what you should do is search for those CRNs and see what time they are at and see which one fits into your schedule. (I suggest you write both down to play it safe because one might be closed out). If you ONLY apply for one (either lecture or lab) it won’t count as a 3 credit class. (click on image to expand)
It is similar with Learning Communities, but a little more complicated. You can search for LCs under a certain topic like English or History. Pick a subject you are interested in and search for any LC results. For example: I searched under English and Learning Communities, two courses came up. I click on ENG120 CRN hyperlink and it tells me to also sign up for a History course. The English course alone is only 4 credits but with the other class it becomes a full 6 credits. Therefore, I must type in TWO CRN #s to be fully set for a LC.
With LCs, sometimes they are two different classes joined together for the semester, or they invent a whole new course for one semester. But always, they must be 6 credits. If you chose one from the English department, you have to make sure you register for the other half of the learning community (such as History). If you searched under INT (interdisciplinary) these classes are especially designed to be 6 credits and only need ONE CRN #.
Someone asked: “communications majors need help figuring out math classes. it says we are required to take 1 math class for all four years. but some kids said some comm majors dont need any math at all. do u have any insight to that?”
I don’t have insight on that, I’m sorry. This is why it’s important for you guys to start going to the departments of your major at 41 Park Row. However, I can tell you that if you don’t register now and find out in a few weeks or months you needed to take a math, you can always get signed into one. If worst comes to worst, you take two math classes in a year, one each semester. You guys really have a lot of time so you’ll be okay : )
Aseel should be meeting with you during Common Hour (12:20) on MONDAY!! So please please show up. I’ll be there to again sit down with you to help you too. I’ll be in and out of Pace this weekend (papers :/) so if you are really concerned, message me and we can meet up sometime this weekend and go over it.
Xoxox Amanda
Ps—let me tell you -- my UNV101 TA never did this for my class! you should be blessed......
1 comment:
you are truely amazing Amanda.
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