21 April 2008


"This is not like any other place. This is India. Everyone who comes here
falls in love -- most of us fall in love many times over. And the Indians, they
love most of all. Your little friend may be beginning to love you. There is
nothing strange in this. I say it from a long experience of this country. It
happens often, and easily, for Indians. That is how they manage to live
together, a billion of them, in reasonanble peace. They are not perfect, of
course. They know how to fight and lie and cheat each other, and all the things
that all of us do. But more than any other people in the world, the Indians know
how to love one another.

India is about six times of France. But is has almost twenty times the
population. Twenty times! Believe me, if there were a billion Frenchmen living
in such a crowded space, there would be rivers of blood. No, no, without love,
India would be impossible." - G.D. Roberts, Shantaram

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