27 July 2009

Creativity or Pension?

“Freedom  of movement is not the only vital liberty; freedom of work is still more important.  Nor is subjugation the greatest bondage; narrowness of opportunity is the worst cage of all.” – Rabindranath Tagore

I met a Malay man on one of my many plane rides here who was just laid off of his job of 8 years in California and was moving back to Malaysia due to his lack of funds.  He seemed quite find over the decision when he said, “Humans weren’t meant to stay in one job for 25 years.   Sure, it’s great for pension and health insurance, but it stifles our creativity – our souls weaken.  And think about, its stupid to think that a company would keep the same employee for that long – why, because they know what they’re doing?  They know the routine? Sure routine is good for a bit to sustainability, but I thought business, and life, were about risks – so you gotta switch it up because nothing will never grow in the same rut they’re making.”

More reason for health insurance and social security to be stronger in the US: relying on a job for those things is stifling creativity!

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